Peran Digital Influencer dalam Memberikan Edukasi Pemilihan Produk Kecantikan pada Akun Instagram @dr.richard_lee
Digital Influencer, Education, Beauty Products, InstagramAbstract
Digital Influencer is a phenomenon in the digital world. The ability to build a community makes them able to become opinion leaders for their followers on social media. This study aims to determine the role of Digital Influencers in providing education regarding the selection of beauty products. This research method uses a qualitative approach with a case study method. Data collection was carried out using online observations on dr. Richard Lee's Instagram account, focus group discussions with some of dr. Richard Lee's followers on Instagram social media and documentation of the observations. The data collected was analyzed using data triangulation with a method for checking the trust data of the author's findings through online observation and focus group discussions, then the results were harmonized and conclusions were given from the data that had been collected. This study uses the 4C theory of social media which contains context, communication, collaboration and connection. The results of this study reveal that the role of Dr. Richard Lee in carrying out his role as a Digital Influencer is seen from the educational context in which each post is made interesting, unique, brave and risk communication, collaboration with doctor colleagues, artists and public figures, as well as consistency in building connections has not yet been established. optimal. Digital Influencers need to maximize the 4C theory in their digital activities to create their role as Digital Influencers as well as opinion leaders for the community.
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