Fenomena Menikah Muda pada Mahasiswi Universitas Islam Riau


  • Muhammad Irvan Universitas Islam Riau
  • Muhd Ar. Imam Riauan




Motive, Student, Early Marry


This research is motivated by a phenomenon that occurs in female students who have several motives and reasons for their marriage, and the phenomenon of female students taking leave because they are pregnant. This study aims to determine the motives of young married students and student communication barriers after marriage. This study uses a descriptive case study type approach, audience research, namely qualitative research methods. Data is collected through interviews, books, references from libraries, journals, and the internet that discuss young marriage. The subjects of this study were students who married young at the Islamic University of Riau. Informants in the study amounted to five people, namely RPR, AS, YSA, FRB, and NK, based on initial observations using snowball sampling techniques and various information from students aged 21 years and under. At the Islamic University of Riau it self there are many students who decide to get married at a young age, but until now there has been no official data from the UIR for sure. In the view of Islamic law, the law is very different in setting the ideal age limit for a marriage bond. Based on the results of the research that has been carried out there are four motives of young married UIR students, namely: the development of Islamic religious studies, established prospective husbands who have worked and owned businesses, parents who support and encourage young marriage, and deep feelings of love between female students and their husband. The barriers to communication of informants after marriage is the frequent occurrence of misunderstandings, jealousy that is still strong, and selfishness that they have not been able to control because of their young age.


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How to Cite

Irvan, M., & Riauan, M. A. I. (2022). Fenomena Menikah Muda pada Mahasiswi Universitas Islam Riau. Journal of Communication and Society, 1(01), 62–77. https://doi.org/10.55985/jocs.v1i01.17